Fatelink Productions launched in 2004 with a mission: to create compelling stories and empower others to create their own.
We're proud of the stories we've told over the years at Fatelink, but to give additional focus to the second half of our mission, we've created a brand new division - StoryAtlas.
Our goal here at StoryAtlas is to empower unique storytellers in the ever-changing media landscape. We focus on developing you from the inside-out, identifying powerful archetypal qualities in your acting, writing or filmmaking and leveraging them into worthwhile projects that can change your career…and your life.
In 2014, no creative artist should damage themselves by fitting into outdated stereotypes still lingering in traditional Hollywood. Technology affords you new opportunities to develop and forward your authentic essence and skillset as an artist.
The road isn't easy. Sometimes we don't know ourselves well enough to take advantage. Sometimes we cave in to the pressure to conform. Sometimes we're not confident in our abilities or in their profitability in a competitive marketplace. Sometimes we don't understand the complex media landscape and how to navigate it without falling into traps. Sometimes we're unsure how to use new technologies to harness our potential.
At StoryAtlas, we're here to help you with all that. Check us out.